12. Self-promotion

Unemployed women are the most vulnerable category, as they either possess insufficient skills, due to focusing more on…

11. Problem solving

Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Describe key terms of problem solving (types, and associated skills) Sequence the five steps of problem solving Describing the role of…

10. Goal Setting

Having the know-how to set and work towards achieving goals is a significant predictor of success and performance. It is common knowledge that having …

09. Work-life balance

Learning objectives : Knowledge  Define work-life balance Identify work-life balance strategies Outline the essentials to define a tailored strategic plan for work-life balance Skills  Distinguish…

08. Time management

Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Define time management List time management strategies Explain the essentials to define a personal strategic plan Skills  Make a diagnosis of…

07. Motivation and personal empowerment

Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Describe motivation Distinguish self-esteem from self-confidence Illustrate the relation between active learning and proactivity Skills  Identify the factors that affect own…

13. Presentation skills

Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Explain the theory of public speaking Explain the differences between proactive, reactive and passive language Define digital footprint Skills  Distinguish the…

06. Communication Skills

The aim of this module is to provide women with the relevant theories about communication and interactions, tools and strategies so they can better in…