
  • 12 Excersices

    06. Communication Skills

    The aim of this module is to provide women with the relevant theories about communication and interactions, tools and strategies so they can better interact in the different phases of their daily duties and increase their chances of advancement both in their professional and personal. It is designed to teach how to communicate and interact being able to identify the different contexts. In practical contexts participants will work in groups and in pairs, to talk, write, draws and use different tools of communication. Emphasis is also given to empathy, active listening and feelings.
  • 14 Excersices

    07. Motivation and personal empowerment

    Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Describe motivation Distinguish self-esteem from self-confidence Illustrate the relation between active learning and proactivity Skills  Identify the factors that affect own…
  • 14 Excersices

    08. Time management

    Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Define time management List time management strategies Explain the essentials to define a personal strategic plan Skills  Make a diagnosis of…
  • 14 Excersices

    09. Work-life balance

    Learning objectives : Knowledge  Define work-life balance Identify work-life balance strategies Outline the essentials to define a tailored strategic plan for work-life balance Skills  Distinguish…
  • 13 Excersices

    10. Goal Setting

    Having the know-how to set and work towards achieving goals is a significant predictor of success and performance. It is common knowledge that having goals is important but it is less common for individuals to actively set and achieve them. Goal-setting is important for women to guide their focus, set improved behaviours in motion, by combating inefficiencies and procrastination, and sustain continued personal and professional growth. Participants will be guide to align their focus and promote a sense of self-mastery and provide them with the necessary tools to identify individual and career goals and mechanisms to achieve them. Theoretical knowledge of goal-setting techniques and their implications will be provided, as well as facilitation techniques on how to an action plan. This particular goal-setting action plan will include how to set clear, realistic, objectives, goal analysis, and setting short-term goals with a long-term outlook, ultimately empowering women to realise extraordinary results both personally and professionally.
  • 13 Excersices

    11. Problem solving

    Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Describe key terms of problem solving (types, and associated skills) Sequence the five steps of problem solving Describing the role of…
  • 13 Excersices

    12. Self-promotion

    Unemployed women are the most vulnerable category, as they either possess insufficient skills, due to focusing more on family duties than on their career, or they lack the self-confidence to promote themselves in the labour market because they have been unemployed for a while and they have lost contact with the labour market. This module is designed to guide unemployed women in finding a job that is suitable for their skills and competences and to provide them with the right means to identify their goals and individual mechanisms for choosing a suitable career. It will offer women a set of instruments that will improve their skills and their motivation to find employment in a working environment that is constantly changing. Women will learn to assess their own competencies, identify their strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals and identify aspects that they can improve, and qualification courses that they can attend locally, in order to acquire the necessary competences
  • 9 Excersices

    13. Presentation skills

    Learning objectives :  Knowledge  Explain the theory of public speaking Explain the differences between proactive, reactive and passive language Define digital footprint Skills  Distinguish the…