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Innovation Toolkit

Empowered 05/03/2023

Innovation Toolkit  

An innovation toolkit is a collection of methods, techniques, and tools that can be used to generate new and innovative ideas. These tools can be used in the design thinking process to help teams to think creatively, to solve problems, and to develop new products, services, or processes. Some examples of tools that can be included in an innovation toolkit are:

  • Brainstorming: This is a technique for generating a large number of ideas in a short amount of time. It can be done individually or in a group setting and involves setting aside judgment and encouraging wild and creative ideas.
  • SCAMPER: This is a technique for coming up with new ideas by asking a series of questions about an existing product or process. The questions are: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse.
  • Lateral thinking: This is a way of thinking that involves approaching problems from unexpected angles and looking for unconventional solutions. It is often used to break through creative blocks and find new ways of thinking.
  • Mind mapping: This is a visual brainstorming technique that involves creating a diagram or map of ideas and connections. It can help to organize ideas and see connections that might not be immediately apparent.
  • Six Thinking Hats: This is a technique for approaching problems from multiple perspectives. It involves using six different “hats” to represent different ways of thinking: white (factual), red (emotional), black (critical), yellow (optimistic), green (creative), and blue (planning).