În curs

Tipuri de obiective

Empowered 09/03/2025

Tipuri de obiective

Există trei tipuri principale de obiective pe care le avem de obicei:

  • Obiective de proces

Aceste obiective presupun executarea planurilor. De exemplu, dacă scopul tău este să fii mai sănătos, să mergi la sală în fiecare dimineață sau să iei suplimente de sănătate la timp și să repeți aceeași acțiune în fiecare zi este un obiectiv al procesului. Accentul este de a forma un obicei care să susțină obiectivul stabilit.

  • Obiective de performanță

Aceste obiective ajută la urmărirea progresului, cuantificându-le. Acest număr/măsură magică vă va motiva să vă continuați efortul. De exemplu, să studiezi nu mai puțin de 6 ore pe zi sau să te antrenezi cel puțin 30 de minute pe zi te poate ajuta să-ți cuantificați eforturile și să vă măsurați progresul.

  • Obiective de rezultatAceasta implică implementarea cu succes a procesului de combinare și a obiectivelor de performanță. Ele ne ajută să rămânem concentrați pe imaginea de ansamblu/scopul final. Exemple de obiective de rezultat pot include obținerea unui loc de muncă de vis sau oprirea unui obicei negativ.

Our website uses cookies

Cookies enable our website to function properly and help us improve your browsing experience. Unnecessary cookies are disabled by default.

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The provider of all cookies as mentioned below is www.thepixelocracy.com.

Necessary cookies

They contribute to the basic functions of the site, such as navigation and accessing different pages. The Necessary Cookies are as their name states, necessary for the site to work.

  • Purpose: Cookie for the user's selection on statistical cookies.
  • Expiry: 30 days
  • Type: HTTP
  • Purpose: Cookie for the use of necessary cookies.
  • Expiry: 30 days
  • Type: HTTP
  • Purpose: Cookie for the user's selection on functional cookies.
  • Expiry: 30 days
  • Type: HTTP
  • Purpose: Cookie for toggling the cookie dialog.
  • Expiry: 30 days
  • Type: HTTP

Functional cookies

Used for the proper and smooth operation of the site and allow the site to "remember" your selections. These cookies do not collect information that could be used for marketing purposes or for memorizing the websites you have visited.

  • Purpose: Allows the system to identify the session user.
  • Expiry: 30 μέρες.
  • Type: HTTP.
  • Purpose: Allows the system to identify the session user.
  • Expiry: 30 μέρες.
  • Type: HTTP.

Statistical cookies

Used to improve your navigation on our site and enable us to understand if you have a problem and if we need to improve our design and functionality. At the same time, they are also used to generate reports about the performance of our site. They do not collect information that could identify your identity.

Statistical cookies include google analytics and hotjars, more information on their operation which you can see below. By enabling / disabling cookies statistics, you enable / disable both google analytics and hotjars

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (Google). Google uses the data that collected to monitor and review the use of our Service, compile activity reports, and share them with other Google services. Google may use the data that collected to integrate and personalize ads on its own ad network.

You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link.


Hotjar is an analytics service provided by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar uses heat maps to display the areas of a page where users most frequently move the mouse or click which helps us understand specific points of interest. During analysis the user’s personal details are by no means identified in any way. We additionally might use Hotjar’s online survey service, which allows us to ask users questions directly and collect anonymous answers. Both of these services rely on statistical cookies.

You can prevent the collection of your data by Hotjar by clicking on the following link.

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