Quiz 1 of 0

Creating a Personal Brand Page

Empowered 03/09/2023

Participants will create the first online presence using the Facebook platform or LinkedIn profile for professional networking and job searching.

Task 1. 

Steps to complete the activity

Step 1: Go to www.facebook.com and log in to your personal account.
Step 2: Create a page, select the type and enter the business info.
Step 3: Upload pictures and add a brief description about your business.
Step 4: Invite the other participants and make your first post

Task 2. 

Steps to complete the activity

Step 1: Go to www.linkedin.com and signup by entering name, email and password.
Step 2: Complete the profile by entering your professional information.
Step 3: Write a summary and add relevant skills and work experience.
Step 4: Connect with other participants by sending them requests.

TIME: 20 min