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Discover the importance of active listening in interactions to improve relationships in daily life

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Discover the importance of active listening in interactions to improve relationships in daily life

Empowered 18/10/2024

Discover the importance of active listening in interactions to improve relationships in daily life


  • What are the characteristics of the other that make it easier for you to listen and understand?
  • When you interact do you ever pay attention to the body language of your interlocutor?
  • When someone talks to you about their problem, do you tend to give advice, judge them, analyse them, or just let them vent?
  • During a chat what emotions did the other show? From what clues did you figure it out?


  • After this activity you will be able to better understand and interpret how and what your interlocutor is communicating to you.10 minutes a day for 6 consecutive days, write your impressions in a diary after a conversation with someone, trying to describe his state of mind and yours, describing their body language and their way of acting.
    Do this after interactions with different people, family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, strangers.
    Surely you will discover many things about yourself too.